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Student events, Content and community

Why is building your personal brand so important?

Career influencer Alex Schudy shares tips for establishing your personal brand and staying authentically "you" in the process.

Personal branding can be the key to unlocking doors in your career, whether you're years into your professional life or just beginning your journey as a student. But let's be real: establishing something that sounds as serious as a "brand" can feel intimidating. To demystify the idea of personal branding and help you get started thinking about your own, we hosted a virtual workshop all about personal branding and how it can impact your future.

During the session, Alex Schudy—a successful content creator and personal brand-building pro known as Career Queen on TikTok—shared expert insights about the what, how, and why of personal brand building:

  • What is personal brand-building?
  • How should someone decide on their personal brand and overcome the fear to post?
  • Why is personal brand-building important for your career growth?

Alex revealed how personal brand-building has helped her advance in the corporate world, got real about navigating burnout and negativity as a content creator, and spoke about why Handshake's new content and community features are a great place for an early career jobseeker to begin building their personal brand.

This event was the second installment of our “Build your brand” workshop series, a virtual workshop series all about building your personal brand. Each session in this series culminates with a content challenge: event viewers who participate in all five event challenges will receive a bespoke Handshake “Build your brand” workshop certificate of completion to add to your resume, Handshake profile, social media pages, and more — it’s the perfect way to celebrate that you’ve invested in your personal and professional branding skills. 🏆 Post your own video on the Handshake feed to complete the content challenge below and be eligible for your certificate at the end of the summer!

Lime text on blue background reads "Content challenge: for today's content challenge we want to see you shine! Share a video highlighting your top projects, awards, portfolio, or anything else that makes you stand out from the crowd."

Enjoy the full event recording below, and be sure to check out our upcoming events—including the rest of the "Build your brand" workshop series—for more great career search tips. Plus, don't forget to follow Alex on Handshake, TikTok, and Instagram for more personal branding inspiration.

Photo by Blue Bird via Pexels

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