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Student events, Content and community

How to make the most of your summer using Handshake

Career experts share the quick, easy actions you can take to make the most of your summer and begin building your personal brand online

Summertime doesn’t have to be a “slow” season when it comes to your career. Whether you’re in an internship, working part-time, studying in summer classes, or simply taking the season to rest up and prepare to hit the ground running during the fall, there are tons of ways to take advantage of this season using Handshake.

In a recent Handshake panel, Handshake career pros shared all about how to make the most of summer to update your Handshake profile, connect with the companies you want to work for, and begin building your personal brand online.

  • Monne Williams, Handshake's Chief Impact Officer, shared tips for networking effectively during your summer (no matter your plans), demonstrating value to future employers, and making the most of your summer downtime to prepare for fall recruitment season
  • Brit Gergen, Director of Product Marketing, showed how to use Handshake's new content and community tools to build your personal brand, easily connect with career services at your school, stand out to employers through a profile, and personalize your experience on the platform to get the best job and internship recommendations

This event was the first installment of our “Build your brand” workshop series, a virtual workshop series all about building your personal brand. Each session in this series culminates with a content challenge: event viewers who participate in all five event challenges will receive a bespoke Handshake “Build your brand” workshop certificate of completion to add to your resume, Handshake profile, social media pages, and more — it’s the perfect way to celebrate that you’ve invested in your personal and professional branding skills. 🏆 Post your own video on the Handshake feed to complete the content challenge below and be eligible for your certificate at the end of the summer!

Text image reading "Content challenge: Join the community and get familiar with all the newest features. Share a video version of your elevator pitch on Handshake's feed. Touch on your studies, career goals, and any fun facts." on a plum background with neon graphic elements

Enjoy the full event recording below, and be sure to check out our upcoming events—including the rest of the "Build your brand" workshop series—for more great career search tips.

Photo by Hannah Morgan on Unsplash

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