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Build Meaningful, Authentic Relationships

Nurture relationships before, during, and after events using customizable campaigns and event management tools built into the Handshake platform.

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girl waving to laptop webcam during a video call

Engage the Right Candidates

Spend more time with candidates that truly meet your requirements.

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    Save time by building candidate segments based on nearly 20 attributes, like school, major, grad year, skills, student organizations, and keywords such as interests, programming languages, and more.

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    Use mass, automatically personalized messages to invite candidates to apply for an open job, RSVP for an upcoming event, or start a conversation—all in just a few clicks.

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    Screen candidates attending events using customizable questionnaires to ensure you spend time with candidates who are the right fit.

screenshot of recruiter sending message to students to apply for internship

Build a qualified audience⁠—⁠automatically

Making your next great hire starts with finding the right students. With Smart Campaigns, Handshake saves you time by automatically generating a relevant audience based on your open job or upcoming event.

screenshot of application that lets you define the campaign's audience and goals

Host Events Virtually or In-Person

From video sessions to on-campus events, Handshake is your go-to comprehensive engagement solution.

Interactive Video

Host group sessions or intimate 1:1 coffee chats using enterprise-grade, interactive videoconferencing optimized for scheduling back-to-back sessions and built directly into the Handshake platform.

Seamless Event Management

Offer painless check-in and easily consolidate data for each qualified candidate. Then convert attendees to applicants with automatic follow-up Campaigns.

Optimize your recruiting activities with event and funnel analytics

Quickly access data on each of your events, and keep track of candidate engagement to monitor your pipeline’s progress by reviewing verified student information and your full engagement history.

screenshot of application showing statistics of applicants

Increase your engagement online and in⁠-⁠person with features from Handshake