Now that a great portion of classes are being held online, remote internships are becoming more common than ever before. Remote internships are great for boosting your skill set and resume while working from the comfort of your home.
What is a remote internship?
So, what exactly is a remote internship and how does it differ from other internships? Remote internships bring the office to you. All communications and projects in a virtual internship are done online. Instead of coming into the office and working face-to-face, you’ll meet with team members on video calls.
How can I tell if an internship is remote?
If “remote” isn’t in the title of the internship posting, then you can always inquire about if the position is remote or not. Though, more times than not, the status of the position will be in the title.
How to search for remote internships?
When searching for remote internships, entry-level or summer internships near you, it’s always best to use the Handshake job filter and keyword search. Start by searching the available jobs and entering the internship title, city you want to work in, or if you would like your internship to be remote.
What are the best remote internships?
Best remote internships for college students:
The best remote internships are the ones that allow you to have a great work-life balance while also growing your career skills.
Some things to consider when picking your a remote internship:
- Full-time or part-time?
- Paid or unpaid?
- Completely remote or are there some in-office requirements?
What skills will I develop in my remote internship?
Besides gaining knowledge of whichever field you’re interning in, remote internships can really cultivate your organization and communication skills.
Since all of your communications will be online and there will be no one present to keep you accountable, you’ll need to organize your time efficiently. You’ll need to chat or email your teammates frequently to stay on the same page about projects and deadlines. Having remote internship experience can be difficult to adjust to while you find your workflow, but extremely rewarding once you do.