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Insights module: Handshake Insights Reports

Event Strategy Report | Campaign Analytics Report | Peer Benchmarking in-app

1) Event Strategy Report

Past season performance review

  • Your event count, fair count, RSVPs/check-ins and resulting applicants for each.
  • Your top events based on resulting applicants
  • Your event volume and results compared to peers and premium industry
  • Your top in-person fairs based on resulting applicants
  • Your top Handshake Virtual fairs based on resulting applicants
  • Your top external virtual fairs based on resulting applicants
  • Your fair volume and results compared to peers and premium industry
  • The demographic of your event and fair RSVPs/check-ins benchmarked against peers

Strategizing for the upcoming season

  • Top schools with candidates from target majors active on the event and fair circuit over the previous season including an indicator of your own presence at this school over the previous season. Shown for the following demographics and institution types:
  • Demographics: Black, Latine, Women, Asian, White, Men
  • Institution types: MSIs, HBCUs, HSIs
  • Top schools with candidates from target majors active on the event and fair circuit over the previous season, including an indicator of your own presence at this school over the previous season. Shown for the following demographics and institution types:
  • Top schools where your industry and peers are receiving applications from your target majors as a result of participating in events and fairs, including an indicator of your own presence at this school over the previous season.
  • Your mix of virtual vs. hybrid vs. in-person events compared to peers and industry
  • Your mix of virtual vs. hybrid vs. in-person fairs compared to peers and industry

Supercharging your results

  • Benchmarking against peers and industry for your annual timing of events and fairs participation.
  • The top days when events and fairs receive the highest participation from candidates, shown for both virtual and in-person.

2) Campaign Analytics Report

Who you’re currently reaching on Handshake

Where is there potential in your Black student outreach?

  • Chart: Academic institutions with the highest populations of Black students in target majors
  • Two pieces of data comprise the bar chart data bar:
  • The number of students in target majors that the employer DIDN’T MESSAGE
  • The number of students in target majors that the employer MESSAGED
  • The % on the bar chart reflects the percentage of the population the employer messaged
  • Call out 1: X% of Black students received a message from {{employer}}
  • Call out 2: X% of Black students who received a message from your peers
  • Call out 3: X% of Black students that received a message from {{employer}} that applied to a {{employer} opportunity

Where is there potential in your Latine student outreach?

  • Chart: Academic institutions with the highest populations of Latine students in target majors
  • Two pieces of data comprise the bar chart data bar:
  • The number of students in target majors that the employer DIDN’T MESSAGE
  • The number of students in target majors that the employer MESSAGED
  • The % on the bar chart reflects the percentage of the population the employer messaged
  • Call out 1: X% of Latine students received a message from {{employer}}
  • Call out 2: X% of Latine students who received a message from your peers
  • Call out 3: X% of Latine students that received a message from {{employer}} that applied to a {{employer} opportunity

Where is there potential in your outreach to women students?

  • Chart: Academic institutions with the highest populations of women students in target majors
  • Two pieces of data comprise the bar chart data bar:
  • The number of students in target majors that the employer DIDN’T MESSAGE
  • The number of students in target majors that the employer MESSAGED
  • The % on the bar chart reflects the percentage of the population the employer messaged
  • Call out 1: X% of women students received a message from {{employer}}
  • Call out 2: X% of women students who received a message from your peers
  • Call out 3: X% of women students that received a message from {{employer}} that applied to a {{employer} opportunity

Where is there potential in your Asian student outreach?

  • Chart: Academic institutions with the highest populations of Asian students in target majors
  • Two pieces of data comprise the bar chart data bar:
  • The number of students in target majors that the employer DIDN’T MESSAGE
  • The number of students in target majors that the employer MESSAGED
  • The % on the bar chart reflects the percentage of the population the employer messaged
  • Call out 1: X% of Asian students received a message from {{employer}}
  • Call out 2: X% of Asian students who received a message from your peers
  • Call out 3: X% of Asian students that received a message from {{employer}} that applied to a {{employer} opportunity

Where is there potential in your outreach to male students?

  • Chart: Academic institutions with the highest populations of Asian students in target majors
  • Two pieces of data comprise the bar chart data bar:
  • The number of students in target majors that the employer DIDN’T MESSAGE
  • The number of students in target majors that the employer MESSAGED
  • The % on the bar chart reflects the percentage of the population the employer messaged
  • Call out 1: X% of men students received a message from {{employer}}
  • Call out 2: X% of men students who received a message from your peers
  • Call out 3: X% of men students that received a message from {{employer}} that applied to a {{employer} opportunity

What is the gender split of your campaigns?

  • Donut chart: campaign recipients by gender; % of women vs. not women
  • ‘Not women’ includes men and users who identify as non-binary
  • Call out: X% of your campaign recipients are women
  • Benchmark Your Performance
  • X% of your industry’s campaign recipients are women
  • X% of your peers’ campaign recipients are women

What is the major split of your campaigns?

  • Donut chart: campaign recipients by major; % of majors who received messages
  • Call out: X% of your campaign recipients are in your target majors
  • Benchmark Your Performance
  • X% of your industry’s campaign recipients are in your target majors
  • X% of your peers’ campaign recipients are in your target majors

Which graduation years are your campaigns targeting?

  • Donut chart: campaign recipients by graduation year; % of messages received by graduation year
  • Call out: X% of your campaign recipients are in your target graduation year
  • Benchmark Your Performance
  • X% of your industry’s campaign recipients are in your target graduation year
  • X% of your peers’ campaign recipients are in your target graduation year

How do your campaign recipients identify by race and ethnicity?

  • Bar chart: Recipients by race and ethnicity (whole numbers)
  • Call out: X% of your campaign recipients are Black or Latine or {Asian} (other cuts will populate, depending on your desired demographics)
  • Benchmark Your Performance
  • X% of your industry’s campaign recipients are Black or Latine or {Asian} (other cuts will populate, depending on your desired demographics)
  • X% of your peers’ campaign recipients are Black or Latine or {Asian} (other cuts will populate, depending on your desired demographics)

Which academic institutions are your campaign recipients attending?

  • Bar chart: Recipients by academic institution (whole numbers)
  • Call out: X% of your campaign recipients attend MSIs
  • Benchmark Your Performance
  • X% of your industries’ campaign recipients attend MSIs
  • X% of your peers’ campaign recipients attend MSIs

Campaign performance

What types of messages are you sending?

  • Donut chart: Messages by type – % breakdown of messages type (campaign, career fair, event, other)
  • Table: type of message sent (jobs, events, fairs, other) by Messages sent*, open %, and engagement %
  • *this is NOT people you’ve messaged; this is NOT deduped to number of people who received message)

Where are the bright spots or areas of improvement in your campaign engagement?

Table: Your open rate, Peers’ open rate, Industry Open Rate, Your engagement rate, Peers’ engagement rate, Industry engagement rate for

  • All students
  • Women students
  • Latine students
  • Black students
  • Asian students
  • Men students
  • Asian students

Where does your campaign timing differ from your peers?

  • Chart: Campaign outreach timing compared to industry and peers
  • Open rates, by month, for the employer, industry, and peers
  • Table: Top months (ranked), message sent, employer open rate, industry open rate, and peer open rate

Which times of the day is your messaging most effective?

  • Open and Engagement by Time (in hours in PT)

What day is your industry’s messaging most effective?

  • Day-of-week when your industry sees the best engagement rates and what day your team is sending the most messages
  • Time of day when your industry sees the best engagement rates

3) Peer Benchmarking in-app

Coming soon in 2024 is the release of our new Peer benchmarking page in the Handshake app. In development now, the report will empower you to benchmark your performance across critical talent pools, see where your competitors are finding success, and understand who you’re competing with for target candidates – all with filtering and customization to allow deeper inquiry on the fly. Data points will include but are not limited to:

  • Benchmarked application, job view, and messaging volumes
  • Top institutions for you and peers by messaging volume, applications, and job views
  • Benchmarked timing for messaging and applications
  • Job-view and message conversion across demographics, benchmarked against peers