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Early Talent Awards 2024

Early Talent Awards 2024

Celebrating the best employers for people starting their careers

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Sony Music Entertainment

Sony Music Entertainment

  • 3x winner

About the company

Sony Music Entertainment has nurtured some of music’s most iconic artists and produced some of the most influential recordings of all time. We offer immersive internship experiences that enable students to interface with industry experts and sharpen their professional toolkits.

What early talent is saying

"I loved everything about this internship. I learned so many things, and I had the opportunity to work with some of the most amazing artists in the world. I really enjoyed taking full control of my project, while knowing it would actually be used and wasn't just "busy work" for interns."

Why we're different

  • Networking opportunities
  • Project ownership
  • Shadowing opportunities
Learn from the best

73% of early career job seekers prioritize purposeful work. Learn how best-in-class teams win with the next generation.