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Early Talent Awards

Celebrating the best employers for Gen Z careers


The New York Times logo

The New York Times

Tech Transformer

About the program

The New York Times is a global media organization dedicated to helping people understand the world through deeply reported independent journalism. They offer a 10-week, paid program at their New York City headquarters, with opportunities in advertising, marketing, product and design, data, and more.

Hear about the student experience

"I gained first-hand experience, and I was treated as an actual employee rather than an intern. I edited stories just like the other full-time editors, and I got to publish stories directly to The Times' website once I was done. It was an incredible experience."

Innovating in tech

Being in tech at The Times means creating an unparalleled journey for readers. With a team that includes bootcamp graduates, The Times looks for a variety of backgrounds, experiences and skill sets to fill its tech talent pipeline.They leverage Handshake to increase diversity, especially for their tech-focused engineering internships, across full stack, front end, back end, mobile, R&D, and data.

How they win with Gen Z
  • Innovative
  • Project ownership
  • Work is impactful