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A student with an afro and silver necklaces looks into the camera framed by a rainbow image that reads "Creator spotlight"
Handshake student stories

How this PR & advertising major uses Handshake to flex her creative skills

Content creator Triston Scales shares her journey honing critical skills on the Handshake feed.

Handshake is proud to elevate the voices of top creators on our feed! Meet Triston Scales, a junior at Chapman University studying public relations, advertising, and entertainment marketing—and building a standout personal brand as a content creator outside of class.

Below, read her full interview and follow her on Handshake for more.

Handshake: Triston, give us a TL;DR on you!

Triston: Hi! I’m Triston, a Public Relations, Advertising, and Entertainment Marketing major at Chapman University, graduating in 2026. I’m originally from St. Louis, Missouri but I came to California for school! Outside of school, I’m involved in the Women’s Network, Media Chair for Chapman Robotics Club, and the QTPOCC (Queer Trans People of Color Collective) club. I’m passionate about content creation, music, and rock climbing which helps me unwind and stay balanced. Currently, I’m interning remotely with Handshake as a Content Creator and at as a UGC Creator Acquisition where I’ve been learning a ton and loving every second

How did you decide what to study, and what's your dream job?

I originally started as a Film Production major with an emphasis in editing but soon realized that I didn’t want to be on set or spend hours alone in an editing suite. I love collaborating with people, and that pushed me to switch to Public Relations & Advertising. I’m now more focused on digital marketing, social media, and tech spaces where I can combine my creativity while also collaborating with others. As of now, my dream is to become a project manager or digital marketer in the tech or music industry!

How have you used Handshake in your job search and/or academic journey?

Handshake has been essential in my job search, helping me land my current internship as a Content Creator! Handshake has helped me showcase my skills and connect with companies that align with my interests in digital media, project management, and marketing in a creative way and really express myself and my personality to possible future employers!

What's your biggest advice/tip/hack for an aspiring creator who's hoping to build their personal brand on Handshake?

I was really nervous about posting at first because I worried about what others might think and whether my content looked perfect. But then I realized the best content, at least to me, is when influencers are being themselves or personal. So, my biggest tip is to focus on authenticity—people connect with real stories. Start by posting content that feels like you, even if it’s not perfect. Subtitles and interactive captions help keep people engaged, and commenting on other creators’ posts can boost your visibility! I make my captions through Adobe Premiere Pro and edit the full videos on FCPX just because it’s a bit quicker for me to navigate, but you can make them on apps like TikTok & iMovie as well. Stay consistent, use what works for you, and remember to have fun with your content!

Give us two truths and a lie about you!

  1. I make monthly music playlists (that are so good every month)
  2. I only rock climb indoors
  3. I don’t like boba

To find out the lie—connect with Triston on Handshake.

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