Here at Handshake, we're always rolling out product enhancements to make early talent recruitment even easier for you and your team. Check out what’s new this month!
Reach more qualified candidates for your jobs
With 15+ million students across 1,500+ education partners on Handshake today, you have an enormous network of potential candidates at your fingertips. Enormous…and also daunting. How do you know if you’re reaching the right candidates for the right jobs? Which candidates are more likely to apply to your jobs in the first place?
To make it easier for you to invite top candidates to apply to your roles, we’ve expanded our filters on your Job Matches, which is a list of candidates that match your job criteria. Now, you can fine-tune your matches based on candidates’ location interest, job role interest, and even industry interest.
Available for all employers on Handshake Premium.
Showcase your TikTok presence on Handshake
Beyond content sharing and social networking, Gen Z is looking to social media platforms, like TikTok, to share critical information and access resources. And now that 60% of users on TikTok are Gen Zers, it’s no surprise that employers are creating corporate TikTok accounts to effectively reach early talent where they are.
To improve brand awareness, Premium customers can now add their official TikTok account to their Company Profile. In addition to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms—employers can showcase their official TikTok page to candidates on Handshake.
Available for all employers on Handshake Premium.
Learn how you can increase your RSVPs with Event Manager
With Event Manager, Comerica Bank has seen a 5x increase in their event RSVPs year-over-year.
Check out our new case study to learn how Comerica Bank consolidated their recruiting efforts to a single platform on Handshake—while reaching qualified candidates at scale.
Read the Comerica Bank case study and feel free to share with your team!
Get in touch with our team to learn more about how these releases and Handshake Premium can help you expand access to jobs and unlock a whole new generation of talent. Already a Handshake Premium partner? Email your Account Management Team to learn how to start using these features.