1. Integrate Handshake into the student experience
Work with faculty, staff, and campus partners to share information about your office and Handshake as a resource to support career exploration and outcomes. This can be accomplished via orientation, classroom presentations, faculty sharing on your behalf, and more, as well as homework assignments that include activating and completing your profile or downloading the mobile app.
- Handshake presentation for faculty available for download and customization with talking points included
- Handshake presentation for students available for download and customization with talking points included
- Unlocking Your Opportunities on Handshake, a 5 min video that helps students understand how to complete their profile, apply for jobs, and make Handshake work for them
2. Promote Handshake’s mobile app
Our mobile app is available on iOS and Android, and consistently shows higher and more frequent engagement compared to desktop engagement.
- Handshake mobile app playbook for printable QR codes, email templates, and more to promote the app
3. Get the most out of Handshake
Drive students to one place for all their career-related needs by hosting events, booking appointments, creating targeted email campaigns, and hosting on-campus employment processes in Handshake.
- Create an event
- Review appointment setup checklist and testing guide
- Create, schedule, and send targeted emails
- Sign up for an on-campus employer account
4. Utilize your career center’s social media accounts
Maintaining a presence on social media can capture students’ attention in a fun way and encourage them to engage with your office and Handshake. Post weekly content highlighting resources, employers, jobs, and features on the platform.
5. Be creative and fun
Launch competitions on campus that include Handshake-related calls to action like downloading the app or completing their profile by a certain date to win a gift card. Additionally, consider installing eye-catching visual displays or pop-ups around campus that entice students to visit your office and engage with their career development (food is always a plus!).
- Increasing student engagement through key Handshake features, a webinar with the Handshake team detailing tips for student engagement
- Handshake marketing toolkit for inspiration when creating presentations, blog posts, social media assets, flyers, and more