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7 career advice questions to ask your career advisor

Important career questions every student needs answers to.

Scheduling your next visit with a career advisor or counselor?

Make the most of your visit if you feel lost, unsure, or uncertain about your career. Maybe you just need some career answers before making a decision. Wherever you may find yourself in your career path, be prepared with these career advice questions to help guide the discussion.

What can I do with my major?

For some, the answer to this question may seem obvious, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. You might be surprised at the flexibility and transferable skills that most degrees can offer. Not all psychology majors end up as psychologists; for example, some pursue marketing, PR, human resources, or other careers that require strategic communication. The same can be said for civil engineers who become great managers in the construction field.

How should I write my resume and cover letter?

Depending on the career you’re pursuing and your experience, there are different ways to approach your cover letter and resume. Plus, a resume is your employer’s first impression of you, making this skill imperative to perfect.

What should I expect from my next interview?

If you want to impress your hiring manager during your next interview, you need to know which questions to expect and how to answer them. If you need help practicing those answers, your advisor may offer mock interviews or refer you to workshops available from your career services center.

How can I improve my online presence?

When submitting your job application, you can expect a prospective employer to run an online search of your social accounts. According to CareerBuilder,70 percent of employers use social media during the screening process. The fact that 47 percent of employers wouldn’t hire a candidate with no social media presence makes social media a double-edged sword. You don’t need to guess what your employers want to see on your social media — seek advice in this area to ensure that your online presence, including your Handshake profile, is both accessible and professional.

Where can I find a job/internship in my field?

If you’re looking for career advice, this should be one of your go-to questions. Your career services center most likely has opportunities available via Handshake, but every college is different in their on-campus and virtual resources.

How can I master networking?

Networking is rarely as easy as it seems, but it might be one of the most important skills you can master before jumping into the professional world. Handshake provides many peer-to-peer networking opportunities if on-campus networking options are limited.

When can I schedule my next appointment?

Don’t expect to make large strides in your career path overnight. Make it a habit to confer with someone you can trust to offer good advice to make your transition into employment as seamless as possible.

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